Perpetuating the use of radical knowledge, subversion, frugality, and creative expression to empower personal healing. Created by, Kathy Fitzpatrick & Lucinda Hodges.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Spring Time Rituals, By Kathy Fitzpatrick

Science has never drummed up quite as effective 
a tranquilizing agent as a sunny spring day.
W. Earl Hall

It's spring! We have made it through the darkness of winter and into the light. This is the time to renew hopes and dreams, honor new growth and open ourselves to the unlimited possibilities and miracles of the season. As we take time to honor the changes in the earth we see that even though the season is the same year after year, we are not the same. We have grown and with growth comes change. Spring is an invitation to plant the seeds of intention. Spring is a dance where we plant the seeds to cultivate our lives. It's a time to clear out the old and bring in the new. The Equinox is a time to get rid of the old beliefs that weigh us down and create barriers to healing. It's a time to bring balance into our lives, eat fresh green plants and celebrate the rebirth of earth!

Spring is a time to let go of the control we try to have over our lives and just let go! It's a time for spontaneity, to let the child in you come out to play. Here are a few simple spring rituals ......

1. Create a spring altar by collecting bits of nature to bring inside the house to enjoy.

2. Start a journal.

3. Spend more time connecting with the earth, start a garden whether it's in a actual plot or in containers.

4. Simplify your life, clear out the clutter.

5. Make appropriate dietary changes. (see recipe below for a refreshing spring beverage)

6. Enjoy a bath with sea salts.

7. Renew or begin a daily mediation practice.

8. Begin a daily 15 minute ritual of yoga.

9. Indulge in a "do nothing" day.

10. For increased health and vitality discover your plant ally, it's probably growing right outside your door!

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