Perpetuating the use of radical knowledge, subversion, frugality, and creative expression to empower personal healing. Created by, Kathy Fitzpatrick & Lucinda Hodges.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Outside Looking In, A Reading by Kathy Fitzpatrick

Who are you? 

I am the one that forces you to keep your distance.  I am the one who keeps you away from your family.  I am the one that keeps your friends away because it's too "difficult" to be around you.  I am the one who tests your patience.  I am the one that ebbs and flows.  I am the one only you can feel and  no one can see.  I am the parasite that came to suck the life out of you.  I am the one who makes people think you're crazy.  I am the one who changed the course of your life, I am your new spiritual path. 

What do you have to give me? 

After a lifetime of speaking up for others I force you to speak up for yourself in order to survive.  I give you the gift of time for creative pursuits and time to enjoy your home and garden.  I have taken away your old life as a rat on a  tread mill and have given you large expanses of time to be.

What do you want from me? 

I want you to speak up for yourself.  I want you to know when people lay their trip on you it's really all about them.  I want you to question everything and then go deep inside yourself for answers.  I want you to stay away from energy vampires and people who live in fear.  I want you to rest, eat well, exercise, and to continue creating new life out of the rubble of your old life. 

Is there anything else you have to tell me? 

Yes, i am not the enemy and chemicals aren't the only thing that are toxic.  People can also be extremely toxic, be wary of those who are mired in a life of fear and implement censorship.

How will I remember? 

Everytime you enter a space and have to leave you will remember.  When you're around family or  friends or loved and have to leave because someone "forgot", you will remember.  Whenever someone says it's "all in your head" you will remember. 

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