Perpetuating the use of radical knowledge, subversion, frugality, and creative expression to empower personal healing. Created by, Kathy Fitzpatrick & Lucinda Hodges.

Saturday, April 21, 2012

An Interview with Kathy Fitzpatrick about her new enterprise, Empowered Goddess

Attitude is everything so you might as well have a good one!
Kathy can you share with our readers what you have been doing to improve your health while Pariah, A Healing Journal has been on hiatus? On August 31st i completed 92 days of a 92 day juice feast.  According to David Rainoshek, MA, juice feasting "isn’t about abstinence of solids. It’s about an abundance of enzymes, vitamins, minerals and protein in liquid form." Juice feasting is a way to allow the body "to cleanse, rebuild, rehydrate and alkalize by drinking 1 gallon or more of freshly made juices each day of the feast".  It was an incredible, life altering, health promoting experience, really the ultimate urban vision quest. Everyday my body was flooded with an abundance of raw living enzymes and all the vitamins, minerals and proteins it had been missing.  I never once felt hungry because i was juicing between 10-15 pounds of raw organic vegetables and edible weeds on a daily basis. My energy increased exponentially after the 4th day, gone were the days of coming home from my part time job and crashing, there was life after work!  Along with the daily juices i also drank a daily quart of a drink called "the master cleanse", took liquid B-12, MSM, chlorella, hemp oil and when the urge to chew came munched on bee pollen. I also did coffee enemas [not daily], ion cleanse foot baths, a parasite cleanse, body brushing, daily detox showers and used a zapper. To some this may seem over the top, extreme even, but i've always been one to push just beyond the edge of my limits in order to open myself up for the next thing.  In truth, without even knowing it, i had been working toward this feast for a very long time by creating gradual and consistent changes in my diet with the idea of transitioning to raw foods. I am now doing a whole food diet with an emphasis on raw food and have transitioned from juice to green smoothies and the most amazing energy rich food! Which of course means spending lots of time playing in the kitchen creating all kinds of wonderful raw feasts. It's a blast and the increase in my over all health and well being are so amazing i can't possibly begin to express it. And to celebrate, i begin Feldenkrais sessions.
 Feldenkrais Method
Juice Feasting
Raw Reform
Emax Health

Kathy I know your friends have asked, what took you so long to create your own website and showcase your unique and eclectic talents. Can you tell us what inspired you to finally create the Empowered Goddess website? 

Hmmmm, that's funny but you know what they say...."other people's opinions are none of my business!"  The simple reality is, until i did it i wasn't ready.  And truthfully, i've been working on it for a very long time, but it was "inside me" and now it's "outside."

Where does your passion and commitment for taking your health into your own hands come from?

That's easy, frustration with the western model of medicine. After years of knowing something wasn't right and not getting answers i took my health into my own hands and became my own doctor. And so began the process of experimenting with different methods and modalities and fine tuning the nutritional aspects of healing. I became interested in learning about what others have tried but at the same time was not at all interested in emulating them. We are all wonderfully unique, what works for someone else may not work for me. My rule of thumb is, if it doesn't resonate with my own innate wisdom, i don't do it.
In spite of illness, in spite even of the archenemy sorrow,
one can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration
if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity,
interested in big things,
and happy in small ways.
Edith Wharton. 
My commitment and passion comes from REmembering good health and knowing it's my birthright along with a deep rooted refusal to settle for poor health. It also stems from a desire to find economical ways to improve the health i have that transcends the traditional western model. Good health doesn't require health insurance or a doctor, of any kind, other than yourself. There are simple, every day things, that can and do make a difference. It's work, there isn't a magic bullet, however working toward providing the body with what it needs to heal is an incredible act of self-love and discovery.

That is not to say i don't ever go to a doctor or think doctors are bad, i have simply made a conscious decision to only work with those willing to work as a partner in the process. I have a right to be listened to, respected and heard, it is after all my body, my time and my money, i will not squander my resources!
You are the co-creator of this E-Zine. Pariah's mission is, "Perpetuating the use of radical knowledge, subversion, frugality, simple health care and creative expression to empower personal healing from chronic illness and injury." For you, those are not just words on a website, they are a big part of who you are and how you live. How will the Empowered Goddess website be an extension of these ideas and beliefs?  
You know, i'm sure all those things will be included in some way but it's too soon to "know" the how of it. There is a natural progression that happens whenever something is created. Hopefully, as it evolves, the end result will be a lively site filled with a natural flow of information that is as practical as it is thought provoking and everything in between.  

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